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The student ombudsman

The Ombudsman for Students provides independent support for students at UiO. The Ombudsperson has a duty of confidentiality, and can be contacted entirely without obligation.

It can be challenging to find your way in the university landscape. Contact the Ombudsperson for Students if you feel that your enquiries made to other bodies are leading nowhere, or if you believe that your rights are not being safeguarded.

The Ombudsperson for Students can:

·         Advise on how students can proceed in order to safeguard their interests in relation to a case

·         Support students in their relations with UiO

·         Investigate UiO’s case processing with the student’s consen

The Ombudsperson for Students does not adopt a position with regard to academic questions.

If the Ombudsperson cannot provide support for your case, you will be given assistance with how to proceed.




Phone: (+47) 452 98 992 / (+47) 22 85 74 48


Mail: Studentombudet ved UiO, Postboks 1173, Blindern, 0318 Oslo

Published Feb. 11, 2015 2:58 PM - Last modified Dec. 29, 2016 1:21 PM
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