The Student Parliament Teaching Prize

Each year the Student Parliament awards a prize for excellent teaching at UiO. With this prize we wish to create awareness about the importance of teaching and learning, and inspire lecturers and seminar leaders at UiO to focus on teaching.


Every student, professor, administrative or academic staff with a connection to UiO can nominate candidates to the Teaching Prize. The nomination must contain a justification for why the candidate deserves to win the prize for teacher of the year 2018. Nominations may be submitted to by May 23nd.

Statutes for the Student Parliament’s Teaching Prize


1. Candidates
Individuals, groups and entities that have made an effort to enhance the teaching at the University of Oslo.


2. Nominations
All students at UiO can nominate candidates for the prize. The nomination and justification must be submitted to


3. Justification and criteria

The justification should describe the efforts of the candidate(s) and include how the person or entity has

  • Made an extra effort to stimulate good learning

  • Promoted innovation in teaching

  • Made sure that the innovation has an effect beyond the individual or entity’s own area

  • Increased the students’ interest in and dedication to their subject

  • Achieved results from good teaching

The justification must show how the nominee satisfies at least some of these criteria, but does not have to include all of them. The justification should also include references to contact persons for more background information.


4. Announcement
The prize will be announced in advance of the Student Parliament’s constitutive meeting each spring term. The period of nomination is to May 23th. The prize will be publicly announced. 


5. Award committee
The prize is awarded by a committee with eight members and is elected by the Student Parliament. The committee is led by a member of the Student Parliament’s Committee for Academic Affairs, appointed by the Committee for Academic Affairs itself. The leader’s vote counts for two if votes are equal in the award committee.


The student councils from the respective faculties are asked to find a fitting representative.

The Executive Committee of the Student Parliament provides a secretary for the award committee.


6. Award

The award consists of a diploma and a gift to the winner.

Published Mar. 7, 2017 3:00 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2018 11:05 AM
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