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Financial Support for Student Associations

The Executive Committee of the Student Parliament at the University of Oslo has 100 000 NOK every year to grant as financial support to local student associations and academic and professional events. The objective of the fund is to strengthen the student democracy and the student engagement at the University of Oslo.

Financial support is granted six times a year, on February 15, March 15, April 15, September 15, October 15 and November 15. 


Adopted by the Executive Committee on January 03, 2017.


1. Purpose

The Executive Committee, on behalf of the Student Parliament at the University of Oslo, is to grant financial support to local student councils on department and faculty level, and organizations or initiatives that work for interdisciplinary student groups. The Executive Committee receives approximately 100 000 NOK each year from the University of Oslo for this purpose. The Executive Committee may supplement the University grant with more money should there be room in the Parliament budget.


2. Grants

  • The Faculty Student Councils are granted NOK 5000 every year in general support. This grant is awarded directly to the Student Councils, with no restrictions regarding what the grant is to be spent on. The Student Councils must submit such a grant application by March 15.
  • The funds are granted based on these applications.
  • There are six application deadlines each year: February 15, March 15, April 15, September 15, October 15 and November 15.
  • The aim is to grant no more than 20 % of the total funds in each application period.
  • Money left over will be transferred to the next application period.
  • The grant is not paid out in cash. Receipts for the relevant expenses are to be sent to the Student Parliament’s administrative officer, who will use the grant to provide reimbursements. The Student Council is expected to submit a short report at the end of projects and events where the grant money is spent.


2.1.1. Grant Guidelines

What projects are eligible for financial support?

  • Projects strengthening the awareness of student democracy will be given priority.

  • Grants for start-ups will be given priority

  • Conferences and other events at the University with a strong academic or professional profile are eligible for grants.

  • Participation in advisory board meetings and similar, if no financial supported is received from the department/faculty and the National Union of Students in Norway (NUS-Norway)

What activities are not eligible?

  • Grants are not awarded for study trips or expenses related to travel.
  • Grants will not be awarded for social activities.
  • Grants will not be awarded to pay for salaries, remuneration or alcohol.
  • Funding required for the day to day running of an organization should primarily be covered by the closest administrative unit at the University. If the administrative unit has rejected your application of support, this should be documented in your application.

2.1.2 Application



Published Mar. 7, 2014 10:49 AM - Last modified Feb. 16, 2017 5:04 PM
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