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The Professionals


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Contakt person: 

Tobias A. Sveum Isaksen

Top 3 issues

Cheaper curriculum and food through competition

The required literature and SiO's food offerings are too expensive for student finances after several years of high inflation. The Professionals aims to lower prices by allowing more curriculum options and introducing competition in campus food services.

Flexibility and availability: Freedom to study where and when you want

Many students have busy lives due to work and other commitments. The Professionals wants to give you the freedom to study when and where you want, with 24-hour reading rooms, lecture recordings, digitally accessible curriculum, and the option for digital participation in seminars if you are ill.

Equal representation for all students regardless of campus

The current student democracy and student representation in the university administration are poorly adapted to students with a lot of mandatory lessons, and favor students at campus Blindern. The Professionals believes that student democracy should be tailored to the students, not the other way around.

Gruppebilde PL


The Professionals is a new list in 2023, and has an extra focus on students in law, medicine and dentistry - but we also have an agenda that is suitable for all students at UiO.


We want freedom by taking control of our own studies. No students are the same, and we therefore need more flexibility and availability in our studies.


1 in 4 students have campuses at Gaustad or Downtown - they deserve better services and a voice at UiO.

Top candidates

Tobias A. Sveum Isaksen
1st candidate: Tobias A. Sveum Isaksen (20 years)
Studying: Law, 5 years master’s programme at Faculty of Law
Favorite place at UiO: Law Library
Silje Duus
2nd candidate: Silje Duus (19 years)
Studying: Law, 5 years master’s programme at Faculty of Law
Favorite place at UiO: University Garden at Campus Downtown
Marcus De Boer
3rd: Markus De Boer (21 years)
Studying: Medicine, 6 years professional programme at Faculty of Medicine
Favorite place at UiO: The Lab

Any question? Contact leader of the political list Tobias A. Sveum Isaksen.

Published Apr. 23, 2024 11:16 AM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2024 11:16 AM
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