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The Liberals

The University of Oslo is full of students who live different daily lives, sleeping habits, time schedules, learning methods, wishes and needs. The Liberal List sees each student and knows that different people need different solutions. Therefore we will ensure that exactly these needs are being met and give you greater power over your own student life. We proclaim that no student shall pay for something you are not benefitting from. Paying for something you're not using while the student loans are not covering your expenses is wrong. With the environmental efforts that are being taken all around us in this society, the Liberal List wants the University of Oslo to take responsibility and contribute by traveling less by plane and seek other alternatives for transport

    Gruppebilde LL




    What matters to us:

    A student life suiting you. Have you ever been annoyed that the lectures are never recorded and posted on canvas? We want to fix that! We want study halls open around the clock, a rule that enforces lectures to be recorded and posted on canvas, and also more accessible online material. All this to make your time as a student as suited to your wishes and needs as possible.


    Cheaper, better and greener food on campus. The food offered by SiOs various canteens is too expensive, too lackluster and missing more extensive vegetarian options. We want to have better food, cheaper food and more green alternatives by allowing other food service providers than SiO to operate on campus, and simultaneously get SiO to lower their prices and better their products


    The university must fly less and increase their environmental efforts. Recently, Universitas uncovered that the principal has spent over 2244000kr on plane travels. This including many other such unnecessary travels has to stop. We instead need to increase our efforts for the environment by demanding a more concrete and direct climate strategy and also reduce waste on university grounds

    Do you agree with us? Vote The Liberals the 18th to the 24th of April!

    Top candidates

    Emilie Ovnerud
    1st: Emilie Ovnerud (20 years old)
    Studies: Sociology
    Favourite place at UiO: Group room 4 at ES
    Ludwig Friedrich Günther Hohenstaufhen
    2nd candidate: Ludwig Friedrich Günther Hohenstaufhen (21 years old)
    Studies:  Philosophy
    Favourite place atUiO: The cuddle corner at Georg Morgensjerne
    David Pettersen
    3rd candidate: David Pettersen (24 years old)
    Studies: Public administration and leadership
    Favourite place at UiO: Chateau Neuf

    Contact the leader of the list Bendik Haave if you have any questions.

    Facebook LLInstagram LLStem her

    Published Aug. 10, 2016 8:51 PM - Last modified Apr. 15, 2024 2:55 PM
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