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Student Parliament representatives

The student parliament is the official voice of the students at the University of Oslo. Our main objective is to improve the students' rights and represent the interests of the students. We work with the university leadership, the  Norwegian student organization, the city of Oslo and the Norwegian parliament (Stortinget). By law the students have the right to be consulted in matters that affect student life.

The Student Parliament is composed of 36 elected representatives. 28 of these are selected on the basis of the factions. The factions are similar to the Norwegian model of political parties. Each list runs a list of students for elections, and the choice is based on faction rather than individual representatives.

The elections takes place every spring. The whole university is one constituency for the factions, meaning they all compete for the votes of the students at every faculty.

The remaining 8 representatives are appointed by the local faculty student councils. Each faculty student council appoints one representative.

The Executive Committee (AU) 2023-2024:

Elisabeth Hoksmo Olsen - President

Emil Øvretveit - Vice President and Officer of Communication

Rodas Tadese Sibathu - Officer of International affairs

Sigve Næss Røtvold - Officer of Academic affairs

Solveig Martha Tynkkynen - University Board member 

Sivert Arntzen - University Board member


Representatives 2024-25 selected by list selection:

The Leftist alliance (seven mandates):

  1. Nora Marie Hager
  2. Anna Bergum Furset
  3. Mia Skjelvand Ferger
  4. Sverre Sølvik-Jensen
  5. Peter Lyche Aspelund
  6. Rolf Sebastian Lau
  7. Kristine Vilde Sandtrøen

Reserve list (top seven):

  1. Jack Schønberg
  2. Sigve Næss Røtvold
  3. Sondre Matthias Klungland
  4. Brynjar Olsnes Østmo-Sæter
  5. Gina Rønning Sørbye
  6. Emil Mærli-Le Jeune
  7. Thomas Huh Tangen

The Labour list (five mandates):

  1. Albert Randsborg
  2. Alexander Skinnarland
  3. Agnete Brown Lillevik
  4. Hans-Markus Jensvold Kverneng
  5. Peter Knutsen Løvhaug

Reserve list (top five):

  1. Vilde Gjesdal
  2. Ole-Martin Bakkevold
  3. Hilde Vik Dale
  4. Susanne Max Krasa
  5. Isak Hagaseth Mydske

The Liberals (three mandates):

  1. David Johnny Pettersen
  2. Ludwig Friedrich Gûnther Hohenstaufhen
  3. Andrine Elise Salangli

Reserve list (top three):

  1. Emilie Ovnerud  
  2. Bendik Haave
  3. Hanna Mathea Rotihaug Pisani

The Professionals (four mandates):

  1. Marcus Johan Møyland de Boer
  2. Tobias Aleksander Sveum Isaksen
  3. Oda Oline Omdal
  4. Polina Malinina

Reserve list (top four):

  1. Silje Duus
  2. Magnus Reenberg Weihe
  3. Martin Strømme
  4. Benedicte Catherine Elboe Gogstad

The Green list (five mandates):

  1. Juni Helene Alicia Sol Romero Berg-Nielsen
  2. Noah Valio-Engebø
  3. Kateryna Rodynenko
  4. Rasmus Sylvester Olsen
  5. Solveig Martha Tynkkynen

Reserve list (top five):

  1. Emil Øvretveit
  2. Jonas Fløde
  3. Maia Hollender
  4. Julia Bueso
  5. Mina Bø

The Realist (two mandates):

  1. Peter Hjelle Petersen-Øverleir
  2. Niamh Ane Brekkhus

Reserve list (top two):

  1. Hanne Hugem
  2. Emma Brovold
    Published Feb. 11, 2015 2:07 PM - Last modified May 7, 2024 1:17 PM
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